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 Company names beginning with j trading at any available exchange:
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John Hancock Financial Opportuni XBTOX Fund
John Hancock Preferred Income Fd XHPFX Fund
John Hancock Preferred Income Fu XHPIX Fund
John Hancock Preferred Income Fu XHPSX Fund
John Hancock Tax Advantaged Divi XHTDX Fund
John Hancock Investors Trust XJHIX Fund
John Hancock Income Securities T XJHSX Fund
John Hancock Fds Tax-Advantaged XJTGX Fund
John Hancock Funds Premium Divid XPDTX Fund
JOHN HANCOCK FIN T JHFT Nasdaq Stock Exchange
John Hancock Bank and Thrift Fun BTO New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Pfd II HPF New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Preferred HPI New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Preferred Income Fu HPS New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Tax Advantaged Divi HTD New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Tax-Advantaged Glob HTY New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Investors Trust JHI New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Income Securities T JHS New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Premium Dividend Fu PDT New York Stock Exchange
John Hancock Fds II Alternative JAAAX Fund
John Hancock Tr American Asset A JAAHX Fund
John Hancock Fds II Alternative JAAIX Fund
John Hancock Tr American Asset A JAAOX Fund
John Hancock Tr American Asset A JAATX Fund
John Hancock Tr American Bd Tr S JABHX Fund

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