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Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I help to support the free chart service?
- Please visit the web sites of our sponsors, by clicking on the banner ads you see at the top of our pages. This chart service is entirely supported by advertising sponsorship. Continued sponsorship (and therefore our ability to maintain this service) depends solely on our ability to create "click-throughs" for our advertisers. A "click-through" is counted every time one of our visitors clicks on a banner ad. Please make your visits count .. click on the ads!
- The chart screens load, and I can see the interpretation, but the chart itself doesn't show up. What is wrong?
- This will happen if you do not have have your web browser software (Netscape, MSIE, etc.) set to display images. Most web browsers can be set to display graphic images, or to ignore them. Since the charts are graphical images, your browser software must be set to display them. With Netscape Navigator, enable images by selecting "Auto Load Images" under the "Options" menu. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can enable images in the "Options" which you will find under the "View" menu.
- The charts don't seem to be up-to-date. Why is that?
- There are a number of reasons why this might be true:
- The dates on the charts will always be at least one day old. The date on the chart is the market closing date of the information included, which is collected after the close of markets. We can't create charts for the present day until after the markets close.
- The charts are not updated immediately at the close of markets. They will be updated at some time between closing and 9:00 a.m. C.S.T. of the following market day.
- The chart you are seeing might be "cached". Some dial-up Internet providers, and most web browsers store images and web pages which have been viewed recently in order that they can be retrieved more quickly. For this reason, it is possible that when you load a chart page, it might not actually be coming from our server, but instead might be an old chart coming from your computer's hard drive, or from your Internet provider's hard drives. Most web browsers (Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer included) had a "reload" button which will force a chart to be loaded directly from our server. Click on your "reload" button when you suspect the chart might be out of date because of caching.
- Where can I get current market prices?
- Right here! provides intra-day quotes for nearly every North American stock and index.
The quotes are updated continuously throughout the trading day,
using the minimum delay required by each exchange (as short as 10 minutes delay)
- I am interested in a security that you don't follow in your charts. Can I have it added?
- We add new charts to the site from time to time, largely based on suggestions from our visitors. If a number of visitors request that a chart be added, we will add it. If you would like to suggest an addition, please use our suggestion box.
- The chart service is free? Sounds suspicious. Who is paying for this?
- The TradingCharts site is supported entirely by corporate sponsorship. These sponsors place banner advertising at the top of each page. Please show your appreciation, and support these sponsors by visiting their web sites. (Click on any banner)
- What restrictions are there on the use of the securities Charts?
- You are free to use the charts for personal use. You may not duplicate the charts or redistribute them in any form, electronically or otherwise. If you wish to use the charts for any other purpose, please request written permission. Write us at:
- I am looking for a broker. Can you help me?
- We strive to remain independent and impartial. For this reason we will not recommend a broker.
- How can I contact TradingCharts?
- To contact TradingCharts, please use our handy online suggestion box or email us directly at