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Allspring International Equity F WFEHX Fund
Allspring Special Mid Cap Value WFHHX Fund
Allspring Disciplined Small Cap WSCOX Fund
Allspring Small Company Growth-R WSCRX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2040 Cl WTDAX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2040 Cl WTDCX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2040 Cl WTDEX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2040 Cl WTDFX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2045 Cl WTDGX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2045 Cl WTDHX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2045 Cl WTDJX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2045 Cl WTDKX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2050 Cl WTDLX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2050 Cl WTDMX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2050 Cl WTDOX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2050 Cl WTDPX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2055 Cl WTDQX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2055 Cl WTDRX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2055 Cl WTDTX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2055 Cl WTDUX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2060 Cl WTDVX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2060 Cl WTDWX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2060 Cl WTDZX Fund
Allspring Dynamic Target 2060 Cl WTSZX Fund
Allspring Large Cap Value Fund - CBEJX Fund

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